Monday, January 18, 2010

Must Be Something In the Water

Feeling much better today. I think I needed to just really feel the pain of it all for a minute or two. It's crazy, I thought I was over it before it ever even ended, but obviously I was not. I think I simply had too much going on, and I didn't have the time or the energy to truly deal with the pain of it all. Now, however, I'm forcing myself to face it head on. I need to deal with it now instead of closeting it away in a corner of my heart, only to have it re-surface again at a later date. I am....dealing with my 5 month old heartbreak.
Nug and I met for a tea at Starbucks on Friday night. She knew about the latest with The Artist, and she wanted to make sure I was doing alright. Apparently she also needed to talk about all the fighting between her and her husband as of late. We had a nice time just bitching about love and the difficulties that come along with it.
Saturday night she showed up on my doorstep again, this time with a couple of bags and the baby in tow. She had a fight with the husband that afternoon, and he had put his hands on her again. It didn't escalate past him grabbing her and holding her arms while he screamed into her face before she bounced, but it was enough for her to leave the house for the night. They spent the night at my place, and we did some serious talking about the future of her marriage. I refuse to tell anyone what they should do when it comes to marriage etc., but I made sure to let her know that I will support her no matter what she decides and that if she does ultimately decide to leave the b*stard, she certainly won't be alone. She has a great support system that will be there to help her, no matter what.
A and her hub were fighting this weekend too. She came over with her two boys on Sunday evening because she just needed out of the house. Her husband is in the marines, and he has been gone for seven months now while she is at home taking care of a 16 month old and a 2 month old, in addition to her two daughters (10 and 12). He goes out drinking and partying every weekend, and she's beginning to get a little resentful. She's tried discussing it with him, but he just doesn't understand where she's coming from. He should be done with job training in March, and they'll be together again. Hopefully once he's home things will get better.
It never fails to amuse me the way my girlfriends and I always seem to be on the same cycle when it comes to relationship issues...or maybe it's simply that we're all on the same CYCLE cycle, so we tend to always be bitchy at the same time, causing all the love drama? ;)
Until next time, much love!


Anonymous said...

Hi T - After reading your post I shake my head and wonder what are we (single women) looking for? Look at what we've already gone through and you've had two friends at your doorstep. Yet we somehow believe this time around for us will be better? We'll find that authentic relationship? Guess it comes down to Hope. Life wouldn't be worth living without Hope. Glad you found my blog and I am catching up on your posts. I enjoy your writing.

Mike said...

It is interesting how women do tend to "cycle" together with things.